Loyalty, Honor, Sultansworn

Lady Samayntha CordwykAge : 33Race: Ala Mhigan Highlander & Garlean Halfbreed
Alignment: Neutral GoodGuardian: LlymlaenHeight: 6 Fulms, 0 Ilms
Sexuality: DemisexualCisgender FemaleRelationships: It's Complicated
Strength★★★★Professions: Sultansworn Captain of Her Grace's 3rd Division
Dexterity★★★Disciplines: Samurai, Dragoon, Gunbreaker
Constitution★★★★★Elements: Astral Water, Umbral Lightning.
Intelligence★★Crafts: Cooking, Crystal Work, Limited Weaponsmithing
Wisdom★★★★Traits: Honorable, Dolt, Noble, Protector
Charisma★★★Hobbies: Cooking, Tea, Recent Blitzball Fan
Martial Ability★★★★★Jobs: Former Samurai, Aspiring Dragoon. Gunbreaker
Aetherpool★★★★★Quirks: Augmented Aetherpool, Trinary Sources
Magical AbilitySchool: Red Magic, abandoned without mentor.
Physical Ability★★★Talents: Aethersight, Hypertuned Hearing
Will Power★★★★★ Blessings and Curses: Echo (Ability, Draw & Junction)
Echo★★★ Ability: Draw and Junction. Drain aether from targets & environment.
Training★★★★ Dragoon Crystal - Gunblades, Shinryu Clan Samurai
Crystals Gunbreaker, Synthetic; Dragoon, Inherited

  • 2016: Coming to Ul'Dah - Origin Story

  • Blind Swords, Sharp Words - Trained under a blind swordsman to use a katana and bring her hearing to super human ability. Her difficulty with aether impacted her Sen, and found tutelage in Red magic to overcome it.

  • 2017; Roads to the East - Challenged the father of her lover to prove her worthy enough to marry his daughter. Besting his Champion, and helping to mend the relationship between father and daughter.

  • Wolf among Dragons - Standing next to her soon to be father in law's side, Samayntha helped to further the Shinryu Clan's reach and prosperity. Akame, daughter to the Lord, left Samayntha to find herself.

  • 2019; Ghimlyt Future - Shinryu Clan, on request from the Alliance, sent their house guard to the front lines with Samayntha at the head. They are decimated by Garlean forces and those that survived were captured.

  • I, Savage - Enduring torture and experimentation, Samayntha's resolve was broken. Her captor Ultio pyr Warre and the crazed Dio mal Aurelius implanted the Limsan with an Allagan Relic that saps her aether.

  • Samurai Memories - During Sam's imprisonment, Akame Shin went in search of the other woman. Her interference and the half breed's actions against the Empire drove Ultio to order them all be put to the torch. Samayntha still thinks herself the reason the Clan was destroyed, even if the act was not done by her hands.

  • Of Eyes and Old Allag - Surviving the ordeals behind enemy lines, Samayntha was rescued by Akame from a hidden outpost Ultio had taken her. Saving her most loyal retainer and friend, now bereft of an eye and her aether.

  • The White Lotus - Adjusting to her new life, a chance encounter brings the veteran into the entangled web of House Zeiju. One of their number, Nami, becomes like a younger sibling to Samayntha and helping her find balance.

  • Mirror Mirror Part 1 - One of House Zeiju goes missing in the frozen lands of Coerthas, leading to an encounter with a Garlean operative using the missing man as bait to lure Nami from hiding. A Mhach relic is found.

  • Intermission: The Trouble with Antelopes - After bringing the lost man home, Sam's new companions from the White Lotus begin to try handle the troubles of being sought by Ultio Pyr Warre. Sam begins to use a gunblade over the way of the katana she had devoted these past years to.

  • Shadows of Garlemald, Part 1 - After an attempted ambush by the Garlean operative from Coerthas, the people of the White Lotus capture Julius mal Celah, one of the men behind Sam's torture and experimentation.

  • Mirror Mirror Part 2 - After losing someone dear, her brother wounded from his time in Coerthas, the Mhach relic in the shape of a mirror began to take hold of Nami's loss and pain. Bound within the Mirror was a voidsent, intent to be free.

  • Mirror Mirror Part 3 - Losing the contest of wills more each day against the relic that had fused with Nami's own aether, the team at the White Lotus were able to enter the trapped realm within the mirror and free Nami from the voidsent's touch.

  • A Fair Deal - For Julius' part in saving Nami from the relic, Samayntha spared the man's life. On condition that the Garlean help Samayntha in removing the Allag relic he had put into her at Ultio's order.

  • Limsan Dreams, Hingashi Memories - Samayntha is dismissed from Clan Shinryu by Akame herself as she regains her memories from the side effects of the Allagan healing machine that kept her alive in the process of the 'Seraphic Eye' relic's removal from Sam's skull.

  • Subjective Truths - Witnessing the past five years play again in her mind as her memories came back, she resolved to push on and chose to deny destiny's call back to the war. As she mended, she body grew more powerful in form. Tougher, healthier, and faster; all the woman asked was to be left alone.

  • Unexpected Consequences - In studying the recovered artifacts, the Eye from Allag, the Mhachi Mirror, and a skull recovered from a trove in Othard, House Zeiju's laboratory outside of Shirogane was consumed by voidfire. Even with the timely intervention of others many were lost: including Julius mal Celah, an ally in Sky Aura, and several of the scientists House Zeiju employed.

  • Snowfall - Without the home connected to the laboratory, Levi'tan Zeiju offered a trip to Ishgard at the courtesy of House Hallinarte. There, Sam found the house maid was again the Garlean operative who had attacked before, Raine oen Aurelius. The operative explained it had been her order to bring Nami back to the Empire to their father.

  • A Teacher's Choice - Convincing the operative to lower her weapon and simply let go of the hunt so that she too could move on with her life. The pureblood had wanted to make her family proud, not do their building in hunting her half blooded sister. Doing so would cause Raine to become exiled and a wanted by Ultio for execution.

  • Of the First - Varis, an ally of the White Lotus companions, had found himself wanted for high theft and sacrilege of the Holy See's Inner Sanctum and put a bounty on his head. Not one to leave a helpless soul out of luck, Sam offered to be his bodyguard. In thanks, the man's mysterious companion only addressed as 'Glub' granted Samayntha a ghost of the Echo, pulled from someone else's form.

  • Shadows of Garlemald, Part 2 [My Deadly Valentine] - Returning with Raine and her comrades from the White Lotus to Ayzs Lla to save her friend ser Novashire from a device buried into his skull, what was supposed to be simple became anything but. Having turned obsessive with his quarry in Samayntha, finding the woman who had disobeyed her alongside her, he attempted to slaughter them all.

  • Shadows of Garlemald, Part 3 - While victorious in defeating the unhinged Garlean, the ordeal left many wounded, including Raine whose arm was nearly severed. The timely arrival of Rau'zi Zeiju of House Zeiju managed to save the Garlean's arm and life. While she rested, under the care of Rau'zi, all Sam could was wait and worry for her friend.

  • Incubus - In exchange for his help, Samayntha allowed the man to feed on her aether. The two became close as Samayntha held out hope for Raine's recovery. It took weeks for her Garlean to wake, and when she could, she barely could sit up or climb out of bed. Patient, despite the reaction from the allies in the White Lotus, Sam stayed by her friend's side.

  • Coming Storm - While fetching supplies to help Raine's recovery, Samayntha came home to find Raine gone, with no sign of struggle and all of her belongings and equipment left behind, Sam began a desprate search throughout Thanalan to find her, uncovering a Garlean agent in the process.

  • Best Intentions - With the aid of her allies from the White Lotus, they were able to track down the Raine and the man who controlled her will. Sam's allies were hurt and dismayed that the Limsan would choose to go for far for someone who had done so much wrong against her and the friends of the White Lotus.

  • Right as Rain - Reaching the kidnapper, cutting through the men that lined his defenses, Raine was found with a survivor from the Koyama clan, dressed as a priest of some sort. Unable to disobey, Raine opened fire on Samayntha and her allies. In the ensuing combat, the kidnapper was able to escape and Raine laid dead by Varis' hand.

  • Son of Voeburt - Coming to terms with what he has done, trying to contain his now budding aether borned of his family's affinity for the Void, Varis went to Ul'Dah to seek out Samayntha. Hearing his tale, the building cold fury behind only worsened at the man's faltering resolve. During this time, Sam makes contact again with the Garlean agent from before under her alias: Ismay Hildegard.

  • Light of Crystals - Under the tutelage of Charlotte Schweizer and her partner Kitani Qinan, it was revealed that the fae spirit who refuses to be called by anything but Glub had not given Sam the Echo. He had transported a crystal from a Hero of the First into her. A hero chosen by Hyladen already, and force the crystal and its power into Sam: just as he promised he would.

  • The Rising Tide - Without warning, Glub, Varis, and Tamiyo returned to the First. As their companions in House Zeiju are left wondering and mourning their lost. In attempt to seal off the growing void troubles below the ruined lab, Levi'tan buried the lab under the mountains that hid the facility. Samayntha finally admits out loud to herself that she had loved Raine more than a friend.

  • The Gilded Lotus - Left without a home, House Zeiju managed to combine their resources into the acquisition of a new location in the Goblet, outside of Ul'Dah. Wanting to ensure she would not lose her only sibling, her only family, Samayntha moves out of her flat on Pearl Lane into the same ward.

  • Back In Black - During a simple night at the Gilded Lotus, a robbed figure arrived and over heard the troubles of House Zeiju's lab; and the forthcoming construction below the Gilded Lotus. Much to Samayntha's surprise and dismay, the woman claimed to be a surviving Void-Mage from the civilization of Mhach going by the name of Xurie.

  • Void Eater, Light Sent - When Xurie returned to the Gilded Lotus, they were able to speak at length with Levi'tan Zeiju about the possibilities of harnessing his affliction into power as the old masters of Mhachi magics had done ages past. To prove her point that it allowed for all kinds of possibility, Xurie attempted to reach out to the First and draw a creature to them at the Gilded Lotus. She was successful, however, it nearly cost her life as she brought forth not a voidsent, but a lesser Sin Eater.

  • Time to Say Goodbye - Traveling with Levi'tan and Kitani, a White Mage by trade and powerful enough to allow departed spirits in one world to pass on to the next. The trio went to Outer La Noscea, where Raine had fallen to Varis' rage. Blessed with one more chance to see the woman she had loved, it allowed Samayntha the chance to give one last bittersweet farewell to the pureblooded Garlean that had changed her life.

  • Our Crew - Growing closer to finding the truth behind the puzzling connections of House Zeiju, Clan Shinryu, the Aurelius family, and the Koyama clan turned personal with the death of her lover. Keeping close to her adopted family, far more like the pirate crew she had grown up among, Samayntha finds herself guarding her heart for fear of losing another partner. In one late evening, she find a confidant in Levi'tan Zeiju, telling him the secrets she has uncovered and to help him manage his affliction.

  • Uninvited Guest, Part 1 - After finding out of Xurie's affliction and the corruption of the light infusing her body, the woman's new comrades at the Gilded Lotus promise their assistance. When a mysterious man named Erebus arrives, offering each of the Lotus a bargain for exchange for refusing to aid Xurie. While tempted, they rejected his offers. Samayntha does so at the point of her sword. Removing his head did nothing to stop the man, and it shook the woman to her core. In the laboratory, Levi'tan, Kyohei, and Nami are cursed by the fragments of Amaranth's Mirror.

  • Uninvited Guest, Part 2 - After the encounter with Erebus, Sam desperately seeks the guidance of others. She reaches out to Lord Akame Shin, trying to find answers. What she learned, beggared belief. Erebus was an immortal being known as an Ascian. Powerful, devious, and bent on the will of some being, Samayntha sees the problem just as others: something to be resolved. In the process, Samayntha meets Ein Dose, a primal researcher who has just the answer to the problem now plaguing the Gilded Lotus.

  • Skyrise - After Raine's Sending, Levi'tan and Kitani had attempted to do the same to reach out to the late Sky Aura. Much to everyone but Kyohei's surprise, Sky was still alive and unable to return home when the found out. With the help of Arkai'ya Zeiju, eldest son of the House, Sky was returned home and was resting in the Lotus. Once Samayntha found out Sky was alive, Sam realized that the other woman had missed her partner. The same soul that Sam found herself caring for in Levi'tan Zeiju.

  • Uninvited Guest, Part 3 - After leaving the Lotus, Sam found herself despondent and alone. Seemingly biding his time from before, Erebus appeared and offered the Limsan her worst fear and temptation: to bring Raine back from the Lifestream, whole and untouched. Leaving a simulacrum of the woman Sam had lost asleep in Samayntha's bed, all she could bring herself to do was watch as the creation faded back into aether throughout the night. By morning, she was left wondering just if it was within the Ascian's power to do.

  • Over the Line - Meeting with Asta, Samayntha was made aware to what lengths Erebus' duplicity went. The Ascian had offered to help the Au Ra woman renew her romance with Samayntha at the cost of Xurie's life. Knowing the suspicion that Sam had of the man, she sought first to test the object her had bargained with: an enchanted amulet to glamour her into Raine's form. Horrified once she knew the man's attempt, Asta and Samayntha resolve to eliminate the threat by any means they could find.

  • Haunted Mother - Sam, Asta, and Kitani adjourned to Samayntha's flat so the woman could gather her equipment. A call from Charlotte informed Samayntha of a Lalafell woman in search of Xurie, and the three went to find answers. What they found, instead, was Xurie's late owner Ashana Shan; claiming to be the woman's adopted mother. From the Echo, Kitani and Sam both knew the woman and her cruelty and sent her back to the hells Erebus had brought her back from.

  • Uninvited Guest, Part 4 - Sufficiently angered by Erebus' actions, Samayntha, Nami, and Asta prepare to travel to Ayzs Lla in search of another relic like The Sophic Eye the Garleans had stuffed into her. Through a series of tunnels, through awakened Allagan creations and machine, the trio eventually located a suitable mass of pearl-white crystal from within one of the creatures.

  • Lost Memories, Exposed Secrets - When returning to her flat with Nami, the two began to speak about the Doman's past that Sam had glimpsed with the Echo. As the pair dug deeper, Samayntha found herself on the recipient end of a vision that showed the missing details House Zeiju sought to find about their Nami, the mystery of Yonah Zeiju and Dio Aurelias, and the past the woman had lost.

  • Just Another Day - By the time Samayntha recovered from the vision, it was late on the 13th day of the 11th moon. Waking to her ringing linkpearl, Asta invited Samayntha over for a surprise: dinner on her name day and a gift of a masterfully crafted katana from the forges Kugane.

  • Before the Storm - Finding herself with a quiet night for the first time in moons, Samayntha decided to make the most of it. Donning her favorite red dress Samayntha headed for the Thorn and Rose tavern alone. In the back of her mind, with just drinks to herself. Nymeia, for all her works, seemed to agree as Samayntha found Rau'zi on the ground floor of the tavern as she was leaving. They were shortly joined by Levi'tan in a fetching blue tuxedo. By the night's end, Levi'tan and Samayntha return to the Limsan's flat together and spoke about their future as they begin a romantic relationship.

  • Uninvited Guest, Part 5 - When the comrades at the Gilded Lotus hear that Xurie has left, the are confused. When a letter borne by the voidmage's pet arrived, the team learned of the worst: Xurie had decided to follow Erebus so no more of them were put in harm's way. Tracking down the pair to the ruins of Nym, Levi'tan, Nami, Ein, Kyohei, and Kitani came to find Erebus and Xurie moments before he put a bullet in the voidmage. After using the recovered auracite from Ayzs Lla, the Skull brought by Asta Shadowbriar, and the group's combined aether banished the Ascian to whatever hells he was from. After licking their wounds, Ein explains that in the battle, she had glimpsed visions of the future.

  • Half a Dozen and More - After a day of rest, Levi'tan and Samayntha seek out Ein to find out what visions she had seen for them, and the answers left the pair stunned. In Ein's visions, she saw Samayntha with a dozen children and a Keeper mate. Another, Sam standing alone among tombstones. The final was Samayntha walking a woman down the aisle at a wedding, one of blonde hair and fair skin. The news rocked the pair to the core.

  • Shadows of Garlemald Part 4 - Unable to handle the news, nor Samayntha's excitement of a future that would not lead to terror and pain, Levi'tan abruptly ends the relationship after miscommunication from Kitani and Asta about recent events with Samayntha. Left to her own devices, the Limsan did her standard coping tactic and went out for a drink. Not willing to return to the Gilded Lotus where Levi'tan lived, Samayntha headed to the Coffer and Coffin in Eastern Thanalan. There, she is ambushed by an as of yet unknown Garlean with two miqo'te lancers at his side. Ein is the first to find Samayntha, and within half a bell, the rest of the Lotus group arrived; Levi'tan included. The conflict goes poorly, with Ein and Samayntha being mortally wounded before the Lotus group is able to withdraw. By the time they reached their home, Samayntha was dead.

  • Shadows of Garlemald Part 5 - Through a mix of rituals, science, and the Echo, Samayntha's body was healed and her soul pulled back into her body from the Lifestream. The respite was not long enough, having moments to speak to Raine before she was returned to the Source. Before even being fully recovered, the next day, the golden Garlean that had ended her life exploded into her apartment to finish the job. With the help of her friend Ein and ally Asta, the attack was thwarted.

  • Intermission, Once More With Feeling Part 1 - Forced back into her mended body from the Lifestream, Samayntha struggles to comprehend the recent events as begins to wonder on her own mortality and the visions of the future. It is from her allies at the Lotus that she heard of Xurie's recent actions on the First and corrupting children with primordial Light. Finding the Mhachi woman, Samayntha offers her a choice: make amends or commit seppuku. Xurie chose to take the offer and try and find redemption or die trying.

  • Intermission, Once More With Feeling Part 2 - Trying to come to terms with her rebirth, Levi'tan explains that he had found someone, someone new who he had not expected to find feelings for in Kitani Qinan. Through a series of events, Ein and Samayntha both felt that it had been part of Kitani's plan all along to remove the pair from any chance in Levi'tan's affections. While vehemently denying the claim, Sam refuses to trust Kitani again so readily.

  • Intermission, Once More With Feeling Part 3 - Struggling against her emotions, Samayntha seeks out Valentine Novashire, and comes across information of his encounter with Kitani at his estate with Xurie. He also alerts Samayntha that the man who had attacked her was not only interested in the blonde, she had simply been the first to be found. Not long after, Xurie has been found to have not been relaxing on the beaches the past few days, but in Garlean custody until her escape from Gaedria, the golden armored Garlean that had fought with Samayntha before. ending to Xurie, Sam informs them of the matter that Valentine had told her: she wasn't his primary target. Kitani was, for the actions of her father against the Empire.

  • Intermission, Once More With Feeling Part 4 - Wanting to help the household they all were part of move forward, Sam and Ein discuss creating a letter to ensure they are understood with how they feel towards Kitani now that it becomes more complicated. The next day, wanting to ensure she was not out of practice, Sam asks Asta to spar with her. The Raen agreed, but insisted they use actual steel for one another. Through the combat, the pair air their grievances and confess the reasons behind their emotions and the end of their relationship. The pair come to an understanding after Samayntha bests Asta in the spar and head for the Lotus.

  • Intermission, Once More With Feeling Part 5 - Seeing to Asta's wounds, Samayntha and Ein head for the Limsan's flat to discuss how to best write and word the letter for Kitani. Once her friend departs, she begins to keep herself busy by fashioning a new gunblade to replace the manatrigger that had been lost in the first encounter with Gaedra. By the next afternoon, the weapon and the Limsan's practice of fashioning memories into soul crystals felt firmly within her grasp to make an attempt. However, when arriving, Samayntha sees her friends and comrades passed out in the yard of the Gilded Lotus. She steps closer, and feels her vision begin to go black in turn. When she realizes she's passed out, before her was only horror: a dead oak, reeking of void and filled with men and women hung by the noose.

  • Riddles in the Void - Through the mist that filled her vision, Samayntha came to find the ones that had been passed out in the yard, speaking to the old oak tree. When the young woman Cordelia Lyrche, the new hire on the Lotus' staff begins to succumb to the pull of the void, Ein explains that the tree was Diancecht; a voidsent of the second rung who had pacted with Xurie to help her escape the Empire. While the others begin to barter and trade knowledge for their own memories, Sam challenges Diancecht to riddles for what she wanted. Twice she bested the voidsent, gaining memories of Ein's missing family and passing the knowledge of Yonah Zeiju's experiments to Levi'tan himself.

  • Never Bargain with Voidsent - When the group wakes, all but Samayntha and Cordelia were missing knowledge of their own for what they gained. While Samayntha was unsure what was taken from Asta, Levi'tan lost the knowledge of something precious: Kitani. Torn between wanting the chance to rekindle a future with Levi'tan, and the happiness he had found with Kitani on his own. Through the night, she does her best to craft the first of the soul crystals, trying to inscribe the evening the pair had first met. By the middle of the next day, she was no closer to an answer. It wasn't until Xurie showed up at her door, did she know what to do.

  • A Starfruit by Another Name - Bartering with Diancecht directly, Sam offers knowledge for what the voidsent had taken from Levi'tan. While her companion objects, and the voidsent hesitates to take the offer for Xurie's own good, Samayntha presses the deal, offering not only her memories of Kitani but Levi'tan as well for what the man had lost. As Kitani and Asta burst into Sam's flat to confront the Xurie, the voidsent agrees to Sam's offer and hands her a simple starfruit, not unlike the ones from the evening before from the oak. Without a second thought as to why except for a note to herself, she went to the Gilded Lotus to deliver the fruit to the owner. When she encounters the handsome miqo'te, she has no idea who Levi'tan is but simply hands him the fruit and the letter before heading back to her flat.

  • Don't Blink - Before she could leave the property of the Lotus, Asta reaches Sam and demands to know what happened. Not able to remember anything connected to Levi'tan or Kitani, including the deal she had just brokered, she was at a loss at what to tell Asta other than she simply didn't know. As she reaches her flat, she only hears the tail end of screaming from Kitani. No sooner than Sam goes to try and ask, her comrade Dreadful Wolf kicks down Samayntha's door in his usual joyful destructive way. Pulling Sam into a tight hug, she is unable to stop Xurie from leaving the apartment. By the time Sam is able to leave, the redheaded woman she couldn't remember and Xurie were gone. As she reached the Lotus, shouting could be heard from below by others that Xurie had tried to take her own life.

  • Ignorance is Freedom - Rushing down into the laboratory, Samayntha spots Xurie in the healing machine that she had survived, with help of someone she couldn't remember. Seeing the others, she did her best to stay out of the way as the machine did the work of letting Xurie stay attached to the mortal coil at the cost of her memories. Knowing all too well the process of the machine, the Limsan tries to calm her student who has lost her memories back to before she had ever become a voidmage. Helping the others with Xurie, Nami's mentor ser Idrent arrives and is as confused as one might imagine. With his aid, and the help of his draconic companion, they were able to purge the void corruption from Levi'tan once and for all. As Asta, Kitani, and Levi'tan embraced after, all Sam could think was how sweet they all looked.

  • Freedom is Bliss - Watching the people in the Lotus reconnect, pondering why her PI friend Eggplant Knight was so upset that Sam couldn't remember Levi'tan, Cordelia caught her attention. The young woman, refusing to be caught as she had been by the voidsent again, asked to join Xurie in training under Samayntha in the way of the samurai. On hearing the intent of Kitani and Levi'tan to retire together, the Limsan retired to her flat with her thoughts. Not wanting to retire yet, she begins to cook dinner for two and pearls Akame to join her and catch up on one another's lives, still unsure of the extent of what she had forgotten. Greeting her old friend with a meal, she begins to explain just how strange her day was. Akame, however, is floored at what Samayntha cannot remember and uses her gift with the Echo to share her memories.

  • Bliss is Pain - The memories Akame shared were her own, nights before where the woman had been over at the Lotus. A night where Akame and Asta had departed together after both being too pained to watch Samayntha and Levi in his cursed form snuggled up next to one another on the love seat across from the pair. Across from the happy couple that was Samayntha had been part of. She saw how Akame and Asta both hurt by seeing it, but both were happy for Sam. When the vision ended, all the Limsan could do was try not to fall apart at her own consequences.

  • Eyes Ahead, Eyes Behind - Crafting more and more detailed orienomancy crystals, Samayntha does her best to keep her head level and sane while everything else around her feels as if they are coming apart. With the words from the now stranger Levi'tan Zeiju cutting deep to her core, the Limsan reaches out to her former Lord and companion Akame Shin for guidance and comfort. The pair agree, that no matter how deep the feelings run, their relationship ran the course and there would likely be nothing to renew between them but friendship. They speak into the night about how things are, and why few things make sense between Samayntha, Levi'tan, and Kitani.

  • A Ghost of a Plan - After taking the time with the others at the Lotus, a plan begins to form with the orienomancy crystals, and Ein. Kitani explained that anyone can impart memories into the stone, even emotions. For someone with the Echo, the orienomancy would be similar to a vision in experiencing it for yourself. With Ein's help, the Lotus devises the idea to simply view Sam's past rather than the future ahead through the aid of the elezen's connection to the primal. While successful in restoring Sam's memories and emotions of the past year, the woman gave the blonde some keen advice: Move on. Ein had seen as much as Sam had interacted with Levi and told her to let Ein's new partner, Levi, go.

  • Old Hearts and New Friends - Seeking out her friend Asta for conversation one evening, the topic turns to her relationship with Levi, and the relationship she and Sam had once had in turn. Asta's advice to the blonde was to be a bit more selfish and not so ready to bear everyone's burdens for them. Comforting one another, they affirm their friendship and talk on how to handle Sam moving on without leaving. The following week, Samayntha becomes friends with an airship captain named Val, of the Nevermore. Alongside with an alchemist named Ezra Ashrose, the Limsan introduces them to the others at the Lotus.

  • Overdue Assignment - After a long silence, Beyhild at long last made good on her promise to make amends for Gaedria's escape. She brought with her a file of information gathered on Dio, explaining the reasons behind the delay and the current state of things leaving so many other troubles in the winds for her to manage. With the critical information obtained on their target, the Lotus group begins to plan how to resolve the madman's plans for them. Joined by Licius Volturcius of the Alliance, Sam continued to keep to Ein's advice in move on from the man she couldn't stop smiling at.

  • Nightmares and Starlight - Just before Starlight, looking through the file from Beyhild, Sam began to recognize a face in the images. Raine's, but the woman in the file had no third eye as her dear one had. Fighting through panic, knowing that the holiday foods needed to be ready and keep herself busy while her thoughts rushed a malm a minute as to who the woman in the image was, and how best to stop Dio from escaping again. With Levi'tan recovering from his recent sickness and Ein returning from study off in Ishgard, the comrades of the Gilded Lotus exchanged gifts and enjoyed a night of merriment.

  • Peace and Whiskey - One of the gifts from Starlight was a glass from Kitani. Along with it was a note, offering a chance to talk and end the animosity between the pair. Paired with the whiskey the glass came with, Samayntha took Kitani's offer and the pair spoke well into the evening. The miqo'te made it clear: Levi'tan didn't want Sam to any degree but a friend, and Samayntha was glad to have a clear line to work with as Ein, Asta, Levi, and Kitani figured out their relationship. By the end, the pair were peaceful enough to move on, both wanting the same thing in the end: Levi'tan happy.

  • Never Have I Ever - Forcing herself forward, Samayntha resolved to do the obvious choice in how to be rid of feelings for an ex-lover: find a new one. Heading into various taverns and bars, Samayntha trolled through crowds in hopes of finding someone to take her home. Instead, she found comrade Lucius, as well as the young man's adoptive mother. Resolved in her plan, she joined the pair and their friend in a singular objective: get smashed. While successful, Samayntha headed home alone, only to have her apprentice come to her door. In almost a comedy of timing, not more than a moment after there was knock at the door. While Sam went to change for unexpected company, Cordelia answered the door. When the Limsan came back to the living room, her apprentice was gone.

  • Crossing A Line - Drunkenly fumbling with her tomestone, Samayntha manages to ring Levi'tan rather than her apprentice. The pair speak as Sam looked through the flat, only to have the young woman step back into the flat with a gift basket of cookies that Nami had baked. While patiently waiting for Sam to finish, the blonde speaks with Levi'tan about the simplest of things before excusing herself to attend to Cordie. The apprentice however seemed to be of a different mind, explaining that it was Levi himself who had delivered the cookies. With the conversation the pair had been having, and the man's offer to return when Sam liked, she thought to save him the trouble and visit him at his destination: Kugane. The pair talk, clearing the air as friends again before the blonde stays the evening. When Sam wakes, Levi is curled up in bed with her.

  • Shadows of Garlemald, Part 6 - Quietly slipping away, Sam returns home; refreshed from the first proper night of sleep she had managed since coming back from the dead. By the evening, she found herself again in the Gilded Lotus...

  • Run to Ground

  • House in the Woods

  • Out Thought, Out Planned

  • Truth of Futures Past

  • Golden Gavel Part 1

  • From the Ashes

  • Mother Qinan

  • Beyond Their Reach

  • Pyre in the Rain

  • Timewarp

  • Golden Gavel Part 2

  • Golden Gavel Finale

  • Runaway Baby

  • 2020

  • Uin Gyuf, Pixie Exarch

  • Time to Play, Time to Work

  • Xurie's Return

  • The Work Undone

  • Walls and Light

  • Shattering of Shards

  • Hazards and Heroes

  • New Friends, Old Enemies

  • Death is Naught

  • Madness of Espers: Gilded Yojimbo

  • Forgiven Recklessness

  • Once Upon a Time in Yanxia

  • Gozen's Goons

  • Souls Die Twice

  • Truth of Matters

  • Lies we Believe

  • Madness of Espers: Enter Hinotori

  • Lies we Tell Ourselves

  • Lies Levi'tan Tells Us

  • Madness of Espers: Weird Science

  • That's Juice

  • Ships in the Night

  • Meeting to the Courels

  • Ghosts of the Empire

  • Madness of Espers: The Worm Turns

  • Lightscorned

  • Enduring Interference

  • The Courels: Fragments of Memory II

  • Madness of Espers: Facing Artema

  • Path of Heroes: Accepting Destiny

  • Elbst meets Dove

  • The Courels: Fragments of Memory III

  • Old Friends, New Challenges

  • The Promised Future

  • Path of Heroes: Warrior of Light

  • Tales from the East: Coins in the Quicksands

  • Fortunes of Nimue

  • 2021

  • Path of Heroes: Destiny's Child

  • Tales from the East: Shinchu's Rage

  • Daughters and Apprentices

  • Tales from the East: Shinchu's Bounty

  • Tales from the East: Shinchu's Foe

  • Three Souls, Two Brides

  • Chef's Special

  • Chef's Cut

  • Dessert Rags

  • Tales from the East: Shinchu's Flame

  • Path of Heroes: The Cordwyk Family

  • Tales de Cordwyk: Penelopy's Blade

  • Path of Heroes: In Her Grace's Service

  • Tales de Cordwyk: Mother's Fury

  • Tales de Cordwyk: Snow's Strength

  • Tales de Cordwyk: Penelopy's Heart

  • Ghosts of Bellerophon, Introduction

  • Ghosts of Bellerophon, Lilith's Nightmare

  • Ghosts of Bellerophon, Rise Again

  • Ghosts of Bellerophon, Shadowtide

  • Ghosts of Bellerophon, Twist of Towers

  • Ghosts of Bellerophon, Future's Doom, Past's Lies

  • 2022

  • Ghosts of Bellerophon, Finale

  • Endwalker: Marshal

  • Endwalker: Missing Blood

  • Endwalker: Devil's Due

  • Endwalker: Anima's Call

  • Falling Stars

  • Endwalker: End of Days

  • Endwalker: A Brief Reprieve

  • 2023

  • Endwalker: Chaos in the Quicksands

  • Endwalker: Slaver's Take

  • Heart's Desire

Raised by a loving, if chaotic and licentious, step-father on the man's 'independent merchant' vessel: a smuggler by any other name. Sam's youth was filled with ships, sails, scallywags, and salacious conversations the crew had around the young woman. Being raised on the deck of a ship showed her much of the world. While uneducated, she possesses a creative mind that would have served a scholar better than a smuggler's daughter.From travels to the East for a woman she loved, winning over her father and joining his samurai clan, to going to war against the Empire at the Ghimlyt Dark, Samayntha Cordwyk has survived several ordeals in the past few years. At the Ghimlyt Dark, she survived being a prisoner of war until her rescue. Samayntha only was made aware of her heritage during her capture and learned she was born to an Ala Mhigan refugee and her kind hearted Garlean lawman husband. Her name, her Tribus, and the proof of her past exploits all brought into focus.With her dealing with relics of Allag and Mhach, a tenacity that will not give an ilm, and the Echo within her; she finds herself cast in the role of the very thing she had never wanted to be since the Calamity.

A Warrior of Light. Granted the Blessing of the Crystal, bearer of a Crystal of Water; she finds destiny inescapable.

Having sworn to House Ul of Ul'Dah, her tenure with the Sultansworn was derailed with the sudden appearance of malefic towers across the land. Assigned to the Grand Company of Eorzea, Samayntha is drawn back into war and she stood as one of many refusing to give in to the Telophoroi's nor the End of Days.
Returned to Thanalan, the Sultansworn Captain hoped for quieter days, only to find herself hunting a slaver who attacked one of her own. She has yet to extract justice from her to this day. In spite of all her preperation and planning, Samayntha found herself surprised when she found feelings for one of her closest friends and comrades, Khallendra Khaine.

Thanks for getting to the end!

Samayntha has been active in FFXIV RP for over six years. Despite multiple attempts to reset her 'power level' through plots and arcs, it has came to a point where she is unable to be 'low level' again. I how she is not the 'norm' of the world she lives in anymore; in power levels similar to the Mandervilles. Far from what I could have ever predicted the story becoming.

Samayntha has been a fun writing challenge of a character in RP. She was made with the DnD character logic of 'No One Special' at the very start of her time in Roleplay. A token Redshirt Nobody who has managed to survive from level one to now level seventeen through other people's stories and events. The entire start to her journey was 'Pirate with a funny sword walks into the Quicksands'. Now as she has reached into the final levels of her career, I am excited to write the next character.

Player is 25+

All RP is welcome except for E, with the condition activities must be canon-abiding; lore bending is acceptable but lore breaking characters and actives are not. Sam will not be intimate with your character. She's long term relationship aligned, and that's been done.
Please do not confuse the IC Sam with her player Siren. RP is not OOC. It is one thing to be empathetic with a character and entirely different to infer or assume they are the same as their writer. It will never be acceptable to do so! I have zero interest in a relationship. I'm old, and happily married.

RP is preferred in game, and Discord RP is limited to few players. Too many bad experiences prior to change that stance.

Hooks! Connections!

Does your character know Samayntha? Or someone she knows? Or something she's survived?

- Raised by Pirates: The surname of Cordwyk is not an uncommon name among the people in Limsa Lominsa, but Sam actually can confirm the realities of being raised among ruffians. More than once, they were beset by other pirates, before her father turned to smuggling.

- Once a Samurai: During Sam's adventures, she traveled from Ul'Dah to Kugane and challenged the samurai Lord Itsaki Shin to be allowed his daughter's hand in marriage. Besting the Lord's champion, the Lord accepted Samayntha's terms and began to train and prepare the woman to be like a son for him. She would become his right hand up until his dying day not long after Samayntha's capture. Any other samurai would easily notice how she carries herself and how she behaves even without her daisho.

- Garleans and the Empire: With the destruction of the Garlean Empire, Samayntha works to aid the refugees both in and out of Thanalan with their relocation, often signing off on paperwork for those in need. Refugees, Exiles, and Defectors welcome to approach with concerns and troubles.

- Trouble with Tea Leaves: Recovering from the time at war and new challenges with the losses of Clan Shinryu, Samayntha comes across other souls touched by destiny in the most Limsan way possible: drinking. Either tea or spirits, Samayntha will often talk over a drink with your character. She might even treat.

- Echo: Through a series of chain reactions, now having the Echo and abilities beyond mortals, Samayntha now works against challenges for the betterment of those in the world, not just those close and dear to her. She does not have control of the Echo visions she gets, so you're welcome to send one her way!

- Sultansworn: Samayntha works to help establish a reasonable level of calm among a corner of the Ul'Dah underworld. Several criminal enterprises have found themselves answering to her call or at the end of her gunblade. With a Sultansworn who refuses to behave as her comrades in the upper levels of the city. Perhaps she is corrupt as she is accused to be.

- Alliance: Served the Alliance at the start of 5.3 before returning to Thanalan mid 6.0. Perhaps your character heard of the exploits of a Dragoon with a gunblade deployed to Dravania and Ishgard. Garleans active in the ruined Capital at this time can find out other information of Ketosa dus Varins: her cover while searching for missing Alliance forces.

- Crisis of Burning Skies: During the end of 6.0, Samayntha was present in Thanalan, once again at her post of a Sultansworn, promoted to Captain as her superior, Astrid Castylin went into the First division, one of the most decorated in her Grace's Sultansworn. As the Blasphemies arose and the skies began to burn, Samayntha was part of a larger team to help evacuate the Forgotten Springs settlement, losing several of her comrades in the process. Tales of such events have spread both her name and the names of her allies across the region. Perhaps your character has heard of the event.

- Fame: One cannot avoid it forever with a list of accomplishments. From primal fighting, serial killer stopping, and upstart noble Sultansworn, it is easy to find out about Samayntha's actions off the battlefield. Perhaps your character has heard of her somewhat doubtful tall tales, or is (please no) a fan of heroics.

- Aether: In the course of her misadventures, Samayntha's aetherpool went from paltry, to normal, then broken to pieces in the course of plots early in her character-life. In 2021, her aetherpool was repaired, augmented, and enhanced by another character into this D-Rate Warrior of Light. Those with sensitivity to aether, aether senses, or worse aether sight, send a whisper for the information.